Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Follow Me

And Jesus said to them, “Follow me…” Mk 1:17

Our son was graduating from high school and soon we would be empty-nesters. Finally, the time was coming when we could let go of our normal life responsibilities and serve God in a more complete way with our lives.

When could we get started? What will He have us do? How can we make it work with all of our ties to the normal life? Which direction will God take us? If our retirement income is not enough, should we wait awhile?

My wife and I probed the darkness, asking God to answer our questions so that we could fulfill His call. Every probe came back empty…until we were different people, and then God flung the door wide open.

Many of us feel restless at times in our lives and begin listening hard for God’s whisper. When it comes, we think we are ready to follow Him wherever He leads; and then we begin to ask our questions.

Following after God always involves change. Whatever that change may be, before we follow we usually want to know how we can work it all out, so that we can do it well for God (and minimize the damage to ourselves). We look at our world and the questions start to fly.


These are legitimate questions but they may become the nails that hold our feet to the floor when God calls us forward.

As doctors we are accustomed to evaluating and understanding the problem before we step out to fix things. Our inability to understand our future sometimes makes it difficult for us to step into God’s future. Sometimes we may be immobilized by our questions to God.

God’s questions to us are different. God’s questions to us are:
Will you trust me?
Will you obey me?

Our questions to God don’t matter much until we answer His questions to us.
Will you trust me, whatever?
Will you obey me, whatever?

Usually, God’s questions are not answered with intellect only. Usually, God’s questions require action. Very often, the only way to answer God’s questions is to step into the darkness in the direction we hear Him calling.

Dear God,
Whatever, whenever, wherever, however ...

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