Wednesday, April 6, 2011


In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…Php 1: 4-5.

Long before I was a doctor, I was a college student, growing in my faith. I loved the Lord and was figuring out what that means in real life. Charles Ray was an interesting man in his thirties, of great intellect, who cared about guys my age. He, more than others I have known, walked through the world with a sense that God is really in it with us. I remember Charles Ray well and the nights in Bellingrath Chapel where he taught us what it means to pray to a God who hears and cares and acts.

Thank God we are not in this alone, though often we live that way.

When was the last time you shared with another doctor the name of a colleague you are seeking to introduce to our Savior?

When was the last time you sat in a room with other doctors and prayed for each other’s families?

When was the last time you gathered with other doctors and discussed the integration of faith into your practices?

When was your last mission with others to the underinsured, either here or internationally?

When was the last time you mentored a younger doctor or student?

Our individual salvation is between each of us and God, but our reason for continuing in this world is fully wrapped up in each other. We are here as the Church to build each other, comfort each other, guide each other, correct each other, worship together and witness together. And doctors, more than any other profession, try to do it alone.

Dear God, Help me commit to partnering with other Christian doctors so that we may become and do all that you have for us. Amen

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