Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker Ps 95: 6

I walked the dusty mile down Tirana’s streets to the library where Christian doctors and students were to gather. I passed by beggars, businessmen, schoolchildren and lovers, but as usual my thoughts were on myself.

How often I spend more time considering the world’s effect on me rather than God’s desire to affect the world through me. Absorbed in my own problems, I turned down the street to the library.

And then we came together, eight students with names like Doloreza, Klara, Flosi and Visi, in a small room with a guitar, Bibles in two languages and hearts held out to God. We spoke; we sang; we prayed; and I left the room a different person.

There is something grand about worship. There is something vital about gathering together and lifting our hearts to the Creator King. I am sure that God is pleased as our praise rises to greet Him, but His pleasure is not the end of worship. As God is enjoying our praise, He sends something back to us through that praise that transforms our lives. Somehow, together meeting God in worship changes us. We do not just send messages heavenward; as we worship, God touches us.

As we worship:
He gives us new vision: we come to see the world differently; we see people differently.

He gives us new thoughts: our self-centered thinking becomes God centered thinking.

He shifts our burdens: though the weight is still there, we are no longer lifting it alone.

We become new people.

Worship pleases God and worship changes us. As we give God praise, He gives us Himself.

Perhaps, as I seek to become the disciple Christ calls me to be, I may need to do religion less and worship with others more.

Dear God,
Let me gather with Your people and worship You as Lord.

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