Tuesday, January 14, 2014

From Reverse to Drive

“I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free” (Psalm 119:32, NIV 1984).

Jennifer had been my patient for a number of years and was nearly healed from a recent problem. She loves the Lord and knows that I do as well. Before I could ask her about her health this visit, she interjected,
“First, I’ve got to tell you the neatest story. I was taking my sons to Dunkin Donuts yesterday. When I walked in, I saw a very thin and dirty guy at the door and thought, ‘That man looks hungry.’ I didn’t do anything about it because I was in a hurry---paid for my donuts, got in my car and started to drive off. But God kept nudging me that I should give this man something to eat. I tried to avoid the message because I was in a hurry but God kept nudging me, so I switched from ‘Reverse’ to ‘Drive’ and pulled back into a parking space. As I was getting ready to open the door, this waiter knocked on my window with a bag in his hand ‘You forgot your sausage and egg biscuit.’ I told him that I had not ordered a sausage and egg biscuit and he said, ‘Well, you might as well take it.’ I got the message and told him, ‘No, go give it to that man over there.’
I just said, ‘Yes,’ and God made the sandwich.”

Ever said, “No way, God”?
You heard God calling, “Come follow me.” But you saw the obstacles in your way, so you just turned Him down.
Sometimes I get the mistaken feeling that God depends on my resources to accomplish His work---like He needed Jennifer’s money to feed the guy at Dunkin Donuts.
But, the more I work with the Master, the more I understand that He accomplishes His work through me more for my own benefit than for the work itself. It seems like: when I move forward in His will regardless of the obstacles, I get to see more of Him; and seeing God at work then adds hope and faith and courage and awe to all of my life, way beyond the task at hand. I just have to ignore the obstacles, change my direction from “Reverse” to “Drive” and let God show Himself. I think God most wants my love, my trust and my will. He’s got the resources and power to take it from there.

“The only thing that lies within our power is the direction of our will.” Fenelon

Dear God,
Let me will what you will and let me trust you to provide the power.

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